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OK, this isn't going to be fancy but on this page I'd like to show you individual techniques that can be applied to a mook jong. I would love it if you would submit your own techniques to me. I'll give you credit for the technique and put a link to wherever you want.
The Training List
Wing Chun Movie showing technique.
Martial Arts Video Reviews. Good site that reviews lots of the videos that you see advertised.
- Movies! A couple of different movies that you can download showing various techniques.
- Vertigo: ever wonder how to give someone vertigo?
- Knockout! The simplest way that I know on how to knock someone out.
- Wing Chun. This is a brief introduction to Wing Chun which uses the mook jong almost extensively.
- The Approach How to approach a mook jong.
- Wing Chun Training. This is half philosophical, half technique and drills site that you might or might not get anything out of.
- Pictures of me putting together one of my mook jongs. Plus a pic of your hardworking webmaster.
- Wing Chun Kung Fu This site has lots of articles and information on Wing Chun and using a mook jong. Good site!
- Wooden Dummy Comparison of the history of two different mook jong designs.
- JKD Training. Another article archive that has a lot of cool stuff in it.
- Wing Chun World Training Archive. Some more good articles.
I'm trying to stay away from philosophical stuff because I usually need alcohol to get into the proper mindset to think about my "one-ness". Not to say that all philosophy is bad but......... I don't know how to finish this sentence. Email me if you know how to finish it.
Regarding the previous paragraph, The Art of War and Book of Five Rings are good examples of philosophy that can and should be applied to not only battle and war but also to almost anything else that you involve yourself in.
If after you have read the manual and you get something useful out of it, would you please download Gator. Gator remembers all of your usernames and passwords and is really convenient. Plus, your friendly webmaster gets a greenback when you download it and that enables me to eat. Let a college student experience a decent meal once in a while! (You don't have to pay anything, you just have to download the program.)